Words by Hannah Powell


Yo Vocal talked to Wellington-based band HUMMUCIDE. Pumping out a minimalist meets rock-jazz sound, their instrumental gigs are a must-attend. Now with their latest single out on Spotify, we chatted music, Wellington gigs, and their upcoming EP. 

“We’re called HUMMUCIDE, and we’re two years and two months old.” 

Having begun at jazz school at Te Kōkī NZSM, and with the goal to get you feeling a little something special, HUMMUCIDE is one to watch in the Wellington music scene. “We play jazz-inspired, but more modern minimalist rock jazz…but that title’s a work in progress”, they say. The band is made up of four: Toby on the sax, Lennox on the drums, Ben on the keys, and Hugo on the bass. Their dynamic is nothing short of a beauty. 

A bit over two years ago, they began playing at house parties, then bars, and finally, venues. “It’s been a progression from just our mates, to people that we don’t know, to lots of people we don’t know,” they say. With their first gigs supporting acts such as Dr Reknaw, and Cold Ceiling (nee Plaines), they estimate to have played between forty to fifty gigs since. 


Earlier in April 2020, the band released a live EP, having been recorded pre-lockdown in Ben’s parent’s living room. They just released ‘Reacher’ on Spotify – a jazzy, instrumental track bound to get those shoulders wiggling. Now, there’s big talk of an upcoming EP. It will be self-titled ‘HUMMUCIDE’. “It saves the hassle of thinking of a name,” Ben says. 

The boys explain Reacher was written back when they were Year 13. With three of the four having gone to the same high school, making music together actually happened long before HUMMUCIDE. In the same jazz combo at Te Kōkī NZSM, they met Lennox – the missing piece. And as they found out that “none of [them] can sing”, their instrumental approach was born. In awe of their different approach, I question how popular their instrumental sets are. They describe their reception as “exceptional”. “We were expecting a lot more people to be like, ‘who cares?’” says Toby. “It’s a surprising feeling when we’re at a house party, and we’re basically playing jazz,” Ben laughs. 


Although having started with a resume of Robert Glasper covers, their recently released single was written in an effort to have an original track for their first gig back in 2015. Despite having been in the bank for two years, there are no regrets between them for timing. “You mature more as musicians as time goes by,” Hugo says. “It was worth the wait.” 

As for what’s next, their EP is expected to be released around September/October. After that? “We wanna record the next EP, and play heaps of cool shows,” Ben says. “Eventually go overseas,” Toby adds. 

I can’t help myself; I ask about the name. They explain HUMMUCIDE to be “death by hummus”. Drummer Lennox – well, he’s allergic to hummus. Deathly so.

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