Same Name Confusion

Images and words by Java Katzur, taken on 35mm film

The band Same Name Confusion has grown rapidly since their humble beginnings in Christchurch. I remember the first time I saw them live. I went along to a backyard gig at a mates flat having never heard of them before. No doubt they were good, but fuck have they gotten better. Even back then you could feed off their energy and be mesmerized by their stage presence. Now, two years later they have played all around New Zealand, including festivals like ToraBombora, and in venues such as San Fran in Wellington. Every time I see them it’s like the first time. Their energy is electric, within seconds they have the crowd dancing. Their stage presence and timing turns a gig into a performance. Often interacting with the crowd, it never fails to entertain. I look some images on film at Cuba’s Stake The Foundry an event held every year through CUBA, a club here at UC. Once again, I was blown away. If they are ever in your area, I would suggest you get on the buzz and check them out. They are nothing short of amazing, and I’m not the only one that thinks so. We give them a straight 10/10.

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