Talkin' bout Wax Mustang


Words by Hannah Powell. Images by Vanessa Cone.


Yo, Vocal chatted with Kiwi rapper, Wax Mustang. Part of Dunedin's DIY label Garbage Records, we talked about his music, the summer that's been, and his favourite NZ artists.

For Wax Mustang, rapping was not what you'd call his childhood dream. From working full-time as a carpet salesman to playing gnarly parties down South, Wax Mustang's rise to fame is one good story. "I hated full-time work, it sucks no matter how you spin it," he told me. Wax had always liked to rap, but he didn't see it as a career – for him, it was a foreign idea of a future. "Rapping isn't like an instrument that you pick up and learn to play; it kind of just happens from listening to it your whole life."

Now, he's taking New Zealand's hip-hop scene by storm. Having played at Electric Avenue and Nest Fest, his special moment of the summer was on the Garbage Stage at Rhythm and Vines. With his latest release 'Mustang World', and a handful of popular tracks to boot, Wax Mustang is one to watch.

Currently in Alexandra for isolation, Wax is back at his family holiday home to "get things done". "[I'm] having a blast," he says. "But [I'm] ready for the world to start up again." Having started Wax Mustang around two years ago, he's gone from student parties to headlining gigs. Surrounded by "some very talented friends", it was only a matter of time before he gave it a go. "Wax Mustang was born from trying something different with how I was projecting my voice," he says. "I liked how it sounded, and it's been full throttle since."


With influences such as Bobby Caldwell, 50 Cent, Elton John, and Sade, all have inspired his old-school hip hop sound. As for New Zealand influences, "there's actually a boatload of music," he laughs. (Lucky for us, he made up a playlist. Give it a geez at the end of the article). As for cooking tunes, Wax says he doesn't have one set process. "I think certain sounds or music or anything for that matter ring a bell," he explains. "From there, it's usually a good few hours trying to get into the pocket – having fun and enjoying making something." He's sly on the stories behind his tracks, however – "I couldn't do so without mentioning names," he laughs. "They've got me in enough trouble as is."

Praising the Dunedin music scene, Wax says "there's a countless amount of music that has come out of Dunedin over the last five years that I would regard as timeless." Often playing gigs alongside Dunedin musician and good mate Jack Berry, both guys are a part of and signed to, DIY label Garbage Records. With his group of talented friends, Wax hands his 90s-inspired music videos to his friend Riley Coughlin; "he's the brains behind the operation here".

"I feel like a lot of people speak of [Dunedin] like it's some sort of foreign country like Narnia, but that's not the case at all," he says. "It's actually a very unique place when it comes to art in general – you just have to know where to look."

As for the New Zealand music scene, Wax admits, "considering how small we are as a country; I think we do pretty well for ourselves. But there are a lot of things about NZ Music that piss me off or that I would like to see change". With rap, we're getting there slowly but surely. "It's a matter of time until more and more styles appear, and that can only be a good thing."

When asked what's next, "who knows!". It sounds like an album is on the hip-hop hued horizon. "When growing up, albums were something I was very passionate about, so taking the time to make something that stands the test of time is important to me. That's my main focus."

Until the end of the year, Wax hopes for a few shows and "as much love-making as possible". Having a dog by Christmas, he says, would be the cherry on top. Watch this space.

Wax Mustang's Tried and True

A combo of nostalgia, pop, and some Dunedin favourites:

O For Awesome - Eno x Dirty

Desert Trip - Nic & Reuben

Don't Chew - Soaked Oats

LUV - Jack Berry

Get Some Sleep - Bic Runga

Portrait Stare - Three Quarter Marathon

Wishful Thinking - BENEE

My Shit - Scribe


Sophie - Goodshirt 

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