How to look after your mental health in the midst of coronavirus

Written by the Yo Vocal Team

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Coronavirus/COVID-19 has bumped our world into uncertainty – and the constant news articles that pop up on our phones can be scary. The virus has permeated into our society and governments around the world are working on making it safer for everyone. One such recommendation has been social-distancing as an action to secure public health; how can you look after yourself and your mental health in these times? 

1: Limit the news and be careful with what you consume.

Staying up-to-date with essential information from the news is important, yet it can be hard when it’s mostly negative. So, avoid watching, reading or listening to news that could cause you to feel anxious or distressed. Seek information only from reliable sources that you trust. 

2: Don’t let your phone take over

Have breaks from social media and mute things which are triggering. Over consumption is harmful I know that my iPhone screen time has been up, on average, about 2 hours. Take a break and put your phone down. 

3: Wash those hands kids 

Wash your hands for 20 seconds – but not excessively. Its important to wash your hands and not touch your face if you haven’t. Not only for your safety but for the safety of people that are more vulnerable, it’s the most effective way of mitigating risk.

4: Stay connected with people

Social distancing can be isolating, therefore, it’s important to still stay connected to the people you care about. FaceTime is a beautiful tool, to chat and hangout virtually, give a mate a message you haven’t talked to in a while. Feel the feels and talk to people around you but cut it short if the conversation centres around the current state of things – i.e. doom and gloom.

5: Go out to nature and explore 

The Ministry of Health is encouraging people to still go outdoors! We’re lucky with the number of parks and natural areas we have in Aotearoa.  Explore your own backyard, we often focus on the amazing places overseas yet New Zealand has some amazing gems right on our doorstep. Get some fresh air, even if it is only for 20 minutes. Oh and stretch! I mean it!

6: We’re all in this together

Remember that this can be a time to reset, work on things that you have put to the side such as your long awaited art and creative projects or work on your vegetable garden. Focus on your family and friends; the people you love. We realise at times like these that those people are the most important. 

Be kind, be safe, and spread some extra love to those around you x

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